This area in Germany is known for it's forest, cuckoo clocks and cake! We did a little shopping in the shops and looked at a lot of cuckoo clocks. They even had cuckoo clocks on the fronts of shops!
If I never hear another cuckoo, I will be okay with that!
After looking in some shops we went to an early dinner which consisted of local venison dishes and then went back to the hotel for some much needed sleep.
Of course the next day it had to be raining. That put a little bit of a damper on our plans to explore the now muddy black forest. We did hike up to the waterfall that is in town. It's the most famous of Germany's waterfalls.
After the museum, we went on our quest to find some Black Forest cake. It wasn't much of a quest, as there were signs for the cake everywhere. The cake was really good, but a little bit goes a long way. The cake is made with an alcohol distilled from cherries. We called this cake "drunky cake" because we ate it before lunch.
Since it was still raining, we decided to check out the black forest by car. We drove out to Freiburg and back.
I want black forest cake now, tell them about your shoes.