Hands down, the best purchase we made for Ruby was this changing pad. I overlooked it at first because of the price tag, but it has been a life saver. It's waterproof, doesn't require a cover, is antimicrobial, puncture resistant, and just all around magical. Since it doesn't require a cover, we don't have to worry about laundry or the added cost of extra covers! It's genius. I recommend this thing to everyone I know. We even did sponge baths on this thing. When she pees on it, we just wipe it off.
Speaking of pee...my favorite cloth diaper combo has been these Flip diaper covers and these hemp/fleece inserts. They are the ones I reach for when it's time for a diaper change. The fleece keeps her booty feeling dry and the hemp soaks up a lot! We still have to change her diaper every hour and a half in the morning, but can get by with 2-3 hours in the evening. I am slowing selling the diapers I don't use and want to replace them with this combo. Love!!!
Flip Diaper Covers
One more booty item that I love is this booty spray :) It's fabulous. It has lavender and tea tree essential oils and smells so great! I use it in place of traditional wipes by spraying it on her or a washcloth.
Our Puj tub is pretty great too. It fits in our sink so we dont have to bend over or sit on the floor like traditional bathtubs (our counters are too small for an infant bathtub). Ruby loves this thing. I usually keep the water running from the spout and she loves trying to grab the water. I make sure to double and triple check the temperature of the running water every minute or so since the water might get too hot. I like this method though because she's not sitting in dirty water as the water drains out through the holes in the tub constantly and new water replaces it. Not the best in terms of water conservation, but she's only ever in the tub for a few minutes at a time. This isn't a splash and play tub...just a get the baby clean tub. Once she can sit up, I will put her in the real bath tub for play time.
puj tub
Before Ruby got all fat and Michelin man like, I thought we didn't need a stroller. We would just get a baby carrier and carry her around. It would be such great exercise!!! yeah, I had a change of heart when Ruby hit 9lbs and walking around the block with her royal chubness started killing my back. Enter the City mini GT. I love this stroller. It's super light and easy to fold up. Ruby loves it too!!! If she's being a turd, I can strap her in it and walk around the living room and she gets all happy! When we first started looking at strollers, I was convinced that I needed a jogging stroller when, in fact, I do not jog. I am glad I didn't spend the extra money!!
Ruby has an assortment of swing-things that cost hundreds of dollars (thanks generous friends!!!) but you know what she likes??? This 40 dollar vibrating seat. That's it...that's all it does. It vibrates. Ruby will spend hours in this thing. She will nap in this thing. Does she like her nifty rocker and mamaroo thingies? no....she likes to sit and have her booty jiggled. This thing has been a life saver for me when I need to put her down to get something done....or you know, pee. Sometimes I can get an hour of peace with this thing, sometimes it's a few minutes.
We could not survive without burp cloths in this house. We love burp cloths. We are usually covered in burp cloths. Our furniture is covered in burp cloths. We have a few different types. I like using fluffy prefolds for protecting myself from Ruby's vomit. They also work great on the furniture. However, they are a little to thick to use with feedings so we have some thin muslin burp cloths that can tuck under her many chins to catch and drool or spit up. I would estimate that we have a solid rotation of about 30 burp cloths going at any given time!!
Finally, probably the single most useful item that we bought.....BIBS. And lots of them. Ruby is what we like to call a "happy spitter". That means she spits up all the darn time, but that it doesn't bother her or hinder her weight gain. What is does mean is that we do A LOT of laundry. Enter the bib. It's 1 million times easier to change a bib than it is to change her whole outfit. So we have about 20 of these things, and really we could stand to have about 10 more! We go through them all in about 2 days. I like these because they are muslin which catches the liquid before it can roll down the length of the bib and on to her clothes (most times). Only problem with that is that we have to change them frequently because once they get wet there is nothing stopping the bib from making her outfit wet underneath. Still, I love these bibs!! I think I might actually buy another pack!
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